
The commune of Independencia has long stood out as a hub of incalculable cultural and historical value, both tangible and intangible. In pre-Hispanic times it was part of the Camino del Inca (Inca Trail). Then later in colonial times, the first religious orders of the territory settled here. During the 19th century, the region’s most emblematic health and hygiene centers were located within its limits. In the 20th century, housing initiatives for workers and professionals flourished, and various sports centers were constructed.

The main objective of this initiative is to reveal the wealth of cultural heritage that can be found within the commune and to put our valuable collective and local memory on display within the urban space. In this way, it seeks to promote a sense of community, appreciation and care for the inhabited area.

To do this, 15 heritage information totems were installed, made of metal and each featuring an engraved plaque. They point out National Monuments, Heritage Areas, Historic Conservation Properties and places of interest in the commune of Independencia. They are located in public spaces, placed so as not to interfere with walking routes and in faithful compliance with universal, inclusive accessibility recommendations. Each of them displays a QR code that redirects to a site where information on each landmark can be found translated into Creole, Mapuzungun and English as a celebratory gesture to the interculturality and diversity that make up this territory.
This project was developed collaboratively and jointly by the Secretaría Comunal de Planificación SECPLA, Asesoría Urbana (the municipal advisory committee dedicated to communal planning) and the Corporación de Cultura y Patrimonio de Independencia (Corporation for the Culture and Heritage of Independencia).

Project Manager: Araucaria Rojas
Technical Advisor: Tamara Lecaros, Sergio Castillo and Javiera Aravena
Contents: Dante Figueroa and Araucaria Rojas
Communications: Cristina Carrillo
Design: Verónica Garay
Coordination: Isidora Moulian

Corporación de Cultura y Patrimonio de Independencia.
Profesor Zañartu 1185, 2º piso. Independencia, Santiago de Chile.

Corporación de Cultura y Patrimonio de Independencia.
Profesor Zañartu 1185. Independencia, Santiago de Chile.

Web by Kúbika House
Corporación de Cultura y Patrimonio de Independencia.
Profesor Zañartu 1185, 2º piso. Independencia, Santiago de Chile.