School District Pool
Location: Santa María Nº 983
Type: Historical Monument

The Piscina Escolar or swimming pool for the school-district community was built under the management of the Ministry of Finance of the Carlos Ibáñez del Campo administration during a period of massification of organized sports and physical education as youth self-improvement activities. It was designed by the renowned architect Luciano Kulczewski and inaugurated in 1929. With prominent Art Deco motifs and an impressive size of 25 by 16 meters, the pool could hold around 500 bathers. It was placed at the entrance of the populous and bohemian Mapocho neighborhood in order to bring beauty and dignity to the environment, and to make swimming more accessible to the community. In 1931 the Ministry of Education took on management of the property and in July of the same year it passed into the hands of the University of Chile, the institution that manages it to this day. It was declared a Historical Monument under Decree Nº 306 in 2016.


Piscina Escolar, Colección Carlos Cornejo. Archivo Fotográfico Biblioteca Nacional

Trampolin de Piscina Escolar. Revista Los Sports, enero de 1929. En La Cañadilla.

Frontis Piscina Escolar. Revista Los Sports, MES 1929.

Piscina Escolar, vista lateral. Archivo Magdalena Barros. En La Cañadilla.

Piscina Escolar de la Universidad de Chile. Por Felipe Restrepo Acosta, 2017. [CC BY-SA 4.0 ], en Wikimedia Commons

Frontis Piscina Escolar. Web de la Universidad de Chile, año desconocido.

Hall Piscina Escolar. Web del Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales.

Interior Piscina Escolar. Web del Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales.

Clases de natación en Piscina Escolar. Archivo Municipalidad de Independencia.
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Corporación de Cultura y Patrimonio de Independencia.
Profesor Zañartu 1185, 2º piso. Independencia, Santiago de Chile.

Corporación de Cultura y Patrimonio de Independencia.
Profesor Zañartu 1185. Independencia, Santiago de Chile.

Web by Kúbika House
Corporación de Cultura y Patrimonio de Independencia.
Profesor Zañartu 1185, 2º piso. Independencia, Santiago de Chile.